Regarding the DS Workshop

Denyse Schmidt will be teaching her Pure Improv workshop when she comes here on June 7th.  The paragraph from her materials is below:

Pure Improvisation

In this workshop, we explore the farthest reaches of improvisational patchwork – and your
own creativity – using traditional patterns as a foundation. We begin with fun, fast-paced
exercises to become completely familiar with a single quilt pattern. Once we internalize its
basic structure, we can apply the principles of improvisation to create spontaneous and
uniquely individual expressions of a single theme. Some improvisational piecing experience
recommended but not required.

Here is a link to a photo of students at Denyse's Pure Improvisation workshop from her website.

I'm sorry that I didn't include that information earlier.  We, on the Board, have been so excited about this opportunity that we have only focused on how to be fair when allocating workshop slots.  I really should have communicated more about the topic of the workshop itself.